College Spring



This Summer forty-four students from across the County took part in a pilot program to increase their chances at getting into a four year University. CollegeSpring, a Bay Area non-profit that partners with community organizations to work with low income and first generation college-bound students, partnered with S4C for the pilot.

The goal was to meet the average mock SAT score increases that CollegeSpring has seen over the four years it has been running the program. The average, 176 point gain, was not only met, but exceeded. Students from Santa Cruz, Harbor, Soquel, Aptos, Pajaro Valley and Watsonville High Schools saw increases ranging from 80-350 points for an average of 215 points. Beyond working to increase test scores, students were coached on college searches, financial aid applications and general test taking skills. Watch the video above to to see students explain the program.

Additionally, students from this Summers' pilot were invited to a three hour "Booster Session" in preparation for this  month's SAT exams. With the additional help, we hope students will see an even greater point gain.

The success of the pilot fuels excitement for Summer 2014. It our hope to bring the program back and offer it to a much larger cohort. Thanks to Community Foundation Santa Cruz County and the Toole Fund for a generous grant that made the pilot possible.